Wwe-Vince McMahon shocks fans by Firing The Rock

WWE boss Vince McMahon

The wrestling legend had been backstage at the company’s flagship programme all day, working on scenes for Fighting With My Family – about WWE superstar Paige and her family.

And – although not appearing during the live show – he walked out before Raw kicked off to film a few shots for the film.

After a couple of minutes entertaining the crowd with his iconic catchphrases, McMahon’s entrance music hit and he came out to “fire” The Rock – real name Dwayne Johnson.

The 71-year-old then gave Johnson his marching orders and the pair were seen storming off the stage.

There was no indication such a moment was going to happen and the WWE Universe were stunned that one of the label’s all-time greats would no longer be appearing in the ring.

“Can’t believe Vince fired The Rock,” one fan tweeted.

Another wrote: “@TheRock I am reading sources you got fired by WWE. I hope it’s not true.”

SET UP: It's thought the moment was set up as part of Johnson's new film

“@The Rock did you really get fired tonight or was that just for the show,” a third confused user commented.

It’s thought the moment was set up for a scene in the film and any fears it was true were allayed after the show when the 44-year-old actually made his way into the ring.

He ended up leaving fans in stitches when he called ex-wrestler and long-term friend CM Punk.


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