Marc Bombardo the guy to become the new Charles Puyol

His mother, Laura, saw quickly that this boy had limitless energy. When he was four, Marc Bombardo went to play for the team in his twon, Sant Quirze del Valles. He started off as a goalkeeper but saw quickly that it was not his job and moved to midfield. Two years later Barcelona signed him and decided that he was a central defender. And from there he hasn't changed.

Marc, 11, has always been a responsible boy. In Benjamin B his coach Jordi Perez told him 'Bomba, keep a clean sheet yeah!" to add to the responsibility on his shoulders. His team-mates and even their opponents know Marc as 'la Bomba'. Although he's not a boy that has a lot of idols, Marc doesn't hide his footballing reference point. None other than Carles Puyol, another player that like him, loved playing football. 

In his short career so far, two coaches have influenced him especially. Albert Puig Alcaide, the first coach he had at Benjamin B, the first to give him notions of techniques and tactics and show him how to position himself on the pitch. The second was Marc Serra, who spent last season in Alevin A, who taught him to give everything on the pitch and helped him grow a stronger character. Marc is a very active boy. With his brother Alex, two years younger and at Alevin B of Espanyol, they spend the day playing football and talking about it too. In summer they can play for 8-10 hours a day.

But life is not just football. Marc likes other things, many of them outdoorsy. In summer, for example, he loved going on holiday to Cerdanya. He doesn't like the PlayStation much. His preferred game is MineCraft, which he likes to play drinking a manzanilla tea. In sporting terms he's shown his quality. In the World Challenge 2017 he played with Infantil B in Japan, which the team won and he was the MVP of the tournament.

La Bomba has the quality and determination to go very far indeed. Now he needs a little luck and his grand dream, to arrive at Camp Nou, will be a reality.


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